
Funky Chips

Loaded Fries like you've never seen in the heart of Wembley Park!

Loaded Fries Like No One Has Ever Seen Before.

With unwavering determination and a passion for creating extraordinary flavours and homemade sauces, Funky Chips was born.

What started as a modest set-up amidst the chaos of Camden Market soon turned into something magic. Customers couldn't resist the allure of the deliciousness being served up as the irresistible aroma floated around the market. Word quickly spread, and before they knew it, Funky Chips was the number one attraction at Camden Market.

Their loaded chips, each more daring than the last, became the stuff of legends. From towering mountains of cheesy goodness to exotic combinations that defy tradition, they continue to push the boundaries of flavour.

But at Funky Chips, it's more than just business; it is a love affair with food and a commitment to exceeding expectations with food that defies convention.

Recommended Menu at Funky Chips

  1. Masala Chips

  2. Nacho Chips

  3. Cheesy Chips

  4. Sausage and Chips

Find Out More About Funky Chips