Symbols of Unity on Spanish Steps in Wembley Park

Symbols of Unity

  • Location:

    Arena Square, Wembley Park, Wembley, UK
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Location: Spanish Steps

Friendship, love and intimacy have all had restrictions placed on them in the past 2 years. We have all come to appreciate something we may have previously taken for granted: the company of others. With "Symbols of Unity", artist Benjamin Watts wanted to represent many symbols of togetherness and light, but in a paired back way which leaves space for the viewer to engage and interpret. Watts hopes the resulting iconography demonstrates how when two elements come together as one, it makes something more beautiful and complete.

Artist Bio

Since graduating from The University of Brighton with a BA(Hons) Graphic Design, I've been working professionally in London, the last 8 years of which have been Freelance. I've worked with many of London's best known agencies, as well as some smaller ones, on global and local campaigns across all possible platforms. I'm happy to work on site or remotely from my home office, and am always looking to meet new clients and take on new design challenges.

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