As part of the Wembley Park community and skill programme, we have partnered with a number of schools in the Brent area to build long-lasting relationships. We want to engage young people with Wembley Park and the development from start to finish.
Case Studies
Place2Be Arts Competition
To coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 (13th – 19th May), Quintain collaborated with mental healthy charity, Place2Be, to bring the topic of mental health to the forefront of conversations. Young artists in Years 5/6 from 11 schools in Brent were called to participate in an arts competition to raise awareness of children’s mental health. With having the theme of keeping “Healthy: Inside and Out” in mind, the young artists were asked to illustrate healthy environments in either school, home, their community or the work place.
In total 493 art pieces were received across all participating schools, all with incredibly moving and inspiring messages. As a result of their outstanding work, each child received a certificate for participating, and a judging panel from Quintain, Place2Be and Second Floor Art Studios were tasked with the impossible task of picking the top three artworks and sixty of the most remarkable runner-up pieces.
Elsley Primary School Forest School
In 2020, Wembley Park helped local Brent school, Elsley Primary School, create their 'Forest School'. Quintain's Estate Landscape Manager worked with Flitwick Construction to relocate some stems from Tilia and Patanus trees, which had once lined Olympic Way, to Elsley Primary. The tree stems now protect a planted area beside a playground nad help create animal pens for their sheep, chickens and piglets.
Ark Academy Refurbishment Project
In Summer 2017, Quintain and a number of construction and local partners - including O'Keefe, Brent Council, Wates, Sisks and McLauren - refurbished Ark Academy KS1 and KS2 playground, ready for their new term in September 2017. This included new fixtures and play equipment, sensory panels, new benches and plenty of plants and greenery.
CCS Big Build challenge
As part of the annual CCS Big Build challenge, Wembley Park invited 60 children aged 10/11 from three Brent primary schools to The Yellow. Tasked with building an outdoor musical play area from recycled materials and creating large-scale instruments from junk, the children used recyclable material to construct their pieces.
All material was collected and donated from offices across Wembley Park, with help with contractors John Sisk & Sons, Alandale Logistics, McAleer & Rushe, Wates Construction and McLaren Construction.
Contact Wembley Park community team
If you would like Wembley Park to help your local Brent school with a special project or event. Please contact skills@wembleypark.com